Hot Links, get 'em while they're hot!
All The Way Live, Cool Stuff To Do While Goofing Off In Your Office While Your Heartless Boss Thinks You Are Hard At Work, courtesy of The Savior and The Bone Conduction Music Show:
Visit these fine, fine websites and tell them where you heard about their disinformation highway rest area.
- Thank you, Nikola Tesla! Thank you for giving us not only alternating current, but radio as well!
- Dr. Dave Janda is not only a very good pal of mine, he's one of the few guys that can whip out a knife and have it be a good thing. He's one of the best orthopedic surgeons in all the land! And he's an expert's expert on the state of our American healthcare system!
- Radio wouldn't be radio without the Clarkcast. Matt Clark is in the trenches fighting for you. Crank it up!
- My left coast pals: The Strange Tones. Get strange, get real strange, right now!
- Jimmy will blow your wig off. My pal Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers are 23rd degree blues black belts, buy all their stuff.
- Got girl problems? Can't help you with that but if you have amp problems call this cat Vintage Amp Repair. You don't need to be no place else, tell Randy we said to break a sweat.
- Before we go any further, look in the mirror, what are you wearing? It should be a: Hawaiian shirt. If it isn't, straighten that out right away.
- Believe it or not, I have this cat's home phone number. The future is truly unknown and Unknown Hinson is out here to prove that in every way. Keep it up pal, and never let them take you alive.
- This cat Mr. Vacation is on the right wave length, vacation's are where it's at. Take the week off...,hell, on second thought take the month off and tell Mr. Vacation I said to hook you up.
- Hey, let's pay a visit to our dear friend Johnny Cash. He's always in a good mood and ready to party.
- We use only the cutest dairy animals on our 1-900 FARM BABES hot line.
- After last call, a 3:00 AM road trip to Abe's Coney Island is always appropriate. Abe's goes well with a red or white wine. But if you're out that late, be sure to take some garlic with you or maybe carry a silver cross. You could run into a cute little Vampire Girl
- A real radio program offers weather reports. Weather reports enhance any event and make for a pleasurable and memorable experience.
- Good luck and I hope your day at the track is profitable. Just to give you a leg up, here's some Strong Mojo. Be careful out there...
- What with that pesky Hale-Bopp beckoning the Heavan's Gate folks and many comets in the astral wings just begging for a chance to clutter the night sky, we offer as a public service safe viewing technique for astral bodies
- I'm waitin' for my man on the street corner of: Hollywood and Vine
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