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Leather Weather Girl

The Official Weather Page of The Bone Conduction Music Show

No radio show worth its salt would be complete without a weather forecast. In fact, you can pretty much tell a phoney radio show from a real one by lack of weather reports. You should demand weather with your favorite broadcasts. Don't settle for less. Who do they think they are, pushing you around like that! Don't take it, stand up and be counted. The nerve of those phoney broadcast posing weasels, why I oughtta...

And now, from a real radio broadcast, without further ado,

The Leather Weather Girl:

Photo courtesy of The Pin-Up Page.

Today's forecast calls for ______ (choose one: fair, warm, hazy) conditions under ______ (choose one: partly cloudy, sunny, clear, overcast) skies. Currently the temperature is holding steady at ________ (insert your favorite temperature here). Warning: to insure accuracy of forecast, insert the actual temperature at your current geographical location. Temperature may vary. (And while we are on the subject, actual size may vary too.)

Be sure to visit my disinformation electronic highway pal Irene DeCook, the real Leather Weather Girl. You'd better be nice to Irene, she's a friend of mine. After she has you restrained and begging for the current temperture, tell her Thayrone says hello...

Remember, we care, and we can help.

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